Veel Gestelde Vragen
Looking for general product information or how to choose the PenTips that are right for you?
These FAQs might help!
How do I know which PenTips are best for me?
We have a helpful quiz that can help you choose the PenTips that would work best for you. We also believe that the creative experience is a truly unique and personal one, so our customer team is always happy to give you a personalized product recommendation. Just send an email to, and we’ll be there to assist you!
Your PenTips are mostly catered toward digital artists, but which PenTips are best for note-takers?
Depending on your note-taking preferences, our recommendations include PenTips Ink, PenTips 2+, and PenTips Fiber.
Much beloved by digital note-takers, PenTips Ink is best combined with our PenMat, and provides that true feeling of pen on paper. They have been designed with note-takers in mind, so for any type of note-taking, this is the go-to option.
If you prefer an option without the textured screen cover, we recommend PenTips 2+. These offer subtle and fine-tuned friction, which, like PenTips Ink, makes them very suitable for detailed writing or fast note-taking sessions.
If you’re more specifically looking to improve your handwriting on the iPad, or to get a noiseless writing experience, PenTips Fiber will be a nice match for you :)
Do you offer both screw-in tips for the Apple Pencil, and slip-on tips?
Yes, we do! Our screw-in options currently include PenTips Ink and PenTips 2+. Our slip-on PenTips are designed to cover the original Apple tip, and include PenTips Lite and PenTips Fiber.
Why is there more than one tip in a set of PenTips?
Every artist’s use-case is different. Depending on the angle, intensity and pressure of usage, some wear through a PenTip faster than others. Each PenTips set includes the amount of tips that will ensure you get at least around 6 months of usage out of your PenTips set. No disruptions in your creative flow!
What is your warranty for a set of PenTips?
A set of PenTips should last at least around 6 months with normal, gentle usage. If you feel like your PenTips are wearing faster than expected, please send an email to us at with a picture of the wear. We're there to make sure your PenTips have a long lifetime to support you in your creativity!
What if the product I want is out of stock?
When a product is out of stock but still listed among the products on our website, it usually means we will get it back in stock as quickly as possible. To double-check, or for a timeframe on when that will be, you can check the product page, or email us at
Do you offer a student/education discount?
Yes, we do! We need proof that you are studying or working at an accredited educational institution or research institute. Our education discount is available to current and newly accepted college students, as well as teachers and staff at all levels.
In order to get your 10% education discount code, please send a photocopy or similar of your enrollment to
What are you doing for the environment?
We want to do what we can to minimize our environmental impact, but are always open to your suggestions. Currently, we do the following:
- Our PenTips Lite and Fiber are made of silicone, which has many environmental benefits in comparison to plastic alternatives. To name a few, silicone does not break down into microplastics, which reduces its potential to harm wildlife and ecosystems. It is an extremely durable and long-lasting material, which reduces the need for frequent replacing of your PenTips.
- Our PenTips are designed to be of the highest quality on the market, so that you only need a few tips to get you going for a long time. The cheaper bulk-sets you may have seen elsewhere tend to wear through much faster, and therefore leave a greater environmental impact than our PenTips do.
- Our product-packaging is consciously made of cardboard, a recyclable material. Our shipping envelopes do have plastic bubble wrap inside, but this is necessary to protect your order while it’s on the way to you, to minimize reshipments. If you know of a good alternative, do let us know :D
PenTips Lite
Hier vindt u veelgestelde vragen over PenTips Lite.
Zijn PenTips Lite gemakkelijk te verwijderen?
Ja, ze zijn gemakkelijk met de hand te verwijderen, maar houd uw pen vast terwijl u deze gebruikt. We raden aan om ze terug in de doos te doen als je ze niet gebruikt, zodat ze niet losraken.
Hoe verbetert PenTips Lite de controle?
Met PenTips Lite krijg je meer controle door de grip van de siliciumprovincies. Hierdoor kunnen penseelstreken nauwkeuriger en preciezer zijn.
Laat PenTips Lite kleurstrepen achter op het scherm?
Nee, ze laten geen strepen achter op je glazen scherm.
Kan ik PenTips Lite samen met een gestructureerde schermbeschermer gebruiken?
Ja, dat kan!
Brengt PenTips Lite schade of slijtage aan het schermoppervlak van de tablet aan?
Integendeel, PenTips Lite vermindert de slijtage van uw Apple Pencil-punt en slijt niet op het tabletschermoppervlak.
Waarom zitten er vijf PenTips Lite in een doos?
We hebben gemerkt dat onze PenTips Lite even wennen is, van het kwijtraken tot het doordragen ervan. We verwachten ongeveer 5-12 maanden levensduur van een set, afhankelijk van je techniek.
PenTips 2+
Hier vindt u veelgestelde vragen over PenTips 2+.
Wat maakt PenTips 2+ anders dan de originele Apple-tip?
Hoewel ze er misschien hetzelfde uitzien, heeft de PenTips 2+ een duurzame en gripvaste buitenrand die hem onderscheidt van het zeer glazige gevoel van de fabrieks-Apple-tip. Hoewel hij niet zo grip heeft als de PenTips Lite, is de PenTips 2+ de meest duurzame optie en biedt hij nog steeds voldoende grip op het scherm om penseel- en penstreken onder controle te houden.
Can I use your PenTips on the nano-texture display of the 2024 iPad Pro?
Definitely! In the words of one of our customers: "PenTip 2+ is sublime for iPad Pro M4. [...] I have the nano-texture screen and it was really nice with the original tip but outstanding with the PenTip 2+" (Trustpilot).
I had PenTips 2 before, how do the new PenTips 2+ compare?
Awesome to have you back! PenTips 2+ is the improved version of PenTips 2, and there are some differences.
PenTips 2+ is no longer made with a silicone outer layer, but a PVC one to ensure of durability. PenTips 2+ feel a bit harder in comparison, and offer friction that is similar to our previous PenTips 2 Hard. If you instead had PenTips 2 Soft, we would recommend PenTips Fiber for a similar feeling. Also keep an eye out on our socials and newsletter, because we are working on a silicone screw-in tip again!
Can I use PenTips 2+ together with a textured screen cover, like PenMat?
Yes, absolutely! The PenTips 2+ with the PenMat is a much-beloved combination among our customers. It will feel similar to using a graphite pencil on paper.
Why is PenTips 2+ only available in white?
The outer layer of PenTips 2+ is made of PVC, which is a material that cannot be dyed. This means PenTips 2+ are only available in white.
PenTips INKT
Hier vindt u veelgestelde vragen over PenTips INK.
Moet ik PenTips INK gebruiken met de PenMat?
Hoewel het niet nodig is om de PenTips INK te gebruiken met de PenMat, helpt de combinatie om dat potloodachtige gevoel te bereiken.
How do PenTips Ink feel?
PenTips Ink accurately mimic the feeling of using a pen. When you combine PenTips Ink with our PenMat (or other textured screen cover), you will feel as if you’re actually writing with a pen on paper!
PenMat (origineel)
Hier vindt u veelgestelde vragen over PenMat.
Kan ik de PenMat (origineel) gebruiken met een gewone screenprotector?
Ja, de PenMat is compatibel met alle screenprotectors, vanwege de sterke magneettoepassing.
Beschadigt de PenMat de Apple Pencil?
Elke schermbeschermer die textuur biedt, zal de punt van uw Apple Pencil verslijten. Om dit te voorkomen, kunt u een Apple Pencil-opsteekpunt gebruiken, zoals PenTips Lite of PenTips Fiber .
Verslijt de PenMat uiteindelijk net als andere schermbeschermers?
Ja. De PenMat begint na 5-12 maanden te verslijten, afhankelijk van de tijd dat u hem gebruikt en de druk die u uitoefent.
Heeft de PenMat het gevoel van papier?
Ja dat doet het. Het gevoel kan worden vergeleken met dat van een schetsboek of canvas van getextureerd papier.
Does the PenMat damage the Apple Pencil?
Our PenMat has a softer grain/texture than many other paper-textured screen protectors on the market, which means it is a very gentle option. However, any screen cover that offers texture cause wear on the tip you’re using. To avoid this, you can use a slip-on Apple Pencil tip, such as PenTips Lite or PenTips Fiber.
Does the PenMat wear down eventually, like other textured screen covers?
Eventually, yes. The wear of the PenMat will look like the paper-texture decreasing, becoming smoother over time. The PenMat will start to wear down after 6–12 months, depending on the frequency of usage and the pressure you apply.
Is the protective sleeve still included with my PenMat purchase?
After we realized that the majority of our customers did not use their protective sleeve, we decided to remove it from the PenMat packaging. We care about our environmental footprint, and discontinued the protective sleeve to reduce our plastic production and waste.
Here you will find FAQs about the Ergonomic Grip.
Does your Grip support the magnetic charging function?
Unfortunately, our current Grip does not support the magnetic charging function. However, the Grip is easily removable and comes in a portable pouch, so that you can store the Grip safely whenever you’re charging your Apple Pencil.
Does your Grip support the double-tap feature?
With the Grip on, unfortunately the double-tap feature of Apple Pencil 2 and Apple Pencil Pro will not work.
Here you will find FAQs about PenPad.
When is the PenPad coming back in stock?
The PenPad is expected to restock during the second half of August, and you can already place your pre-order here:
Why has my PenPad order not shipped yet?
Your PenPad order is a pre-order, and will be shipped as soon as the PenPad is back in stock. If you added any additional products to your order, these will be shipped together with the PenPad in one package. Might this cause an inconvenience, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Hier vindt u alle vragen die u heeft over hoe uw PenTips-producten u zullen bereiken.
Hoe lang duurt mijn bestelling?
Elke bestelling wordt met de hand op kwaliteit gecontroleerd voordat deze naar u vertrekt. Wij garanderen dat uw producten binnen 48 uur het pand verlaten. We verzenden naar meer dan 230 bestemmingen over de hele wereld en we hebben een mooi overzicht gemaakt om u te helpen uitzoeken hoe lang het duurt voordat uw producten hier bij u aankomen.
Waar verzenden jullie naartoe?
We verzenden naar meer dan 230 bestemmingen over de hele wereld en we hebben een mooi overzicht gemaakt om u te helpen uitzoeken hoe lang het duurt voordat uw PenTips bij u aankomen. De geschatte verzendtijden vindt u hier .
Waar woon je?
We zijn in Groningen, Nederland, en hier vandaan verzenden we onze producten.
Retouren en terugbetalingen
In zeldzame gevallen kan het voorkomen dat PenTips niet perfect voor u zijn. Dan vindt u hier de antwoorden op uw vragen.
Hoe vraag ik een terugbetaling aan?
Als u niet tevreden bent met uw aankoop, kunt u ons een e-mail sturen ( Wij vragen alleen dat u de kosten voor het terugsturen van uw product(en) naar ons vergoedt. Na ontvangst zullen wij het bedrag dat u voor uw producten heeft betaald, terugbetalen.
Waar moet ik mijn pakket naartoe sturen?
Pentips retournerenZernikepark 4
9747 AN Groningen
Wat moet ik doen als ik de verkeerde maat of kleur bestel?
Als u per ongeluk de verkeerde kleur of kleur heeft besteld, neem dan contact op met ons ondersteuningsteam via